Unhinged Advice: Corporate Kid

Unhinged Advice: Corporate Kid

Okay, so this is amazing because what you actually have here is a phenomenal opportunity. I'm guessing that these kids are maybe about six to nine if they're being totally left alone with an iPad or whatever. Which means that you can fully, fully indoctrinate them into capitalism with forced child labor. And all you have to do is show them what you're doing. You know, befriend them, say, hey kid, you want to jump on my meeting, or whatever.Boom. Before you know it, this kid is running that meeting for you, doing that work for you. You're good to go. You don't even have to go to the meeting because this eight year old kid is doing your work for you. Who cares if it's clean? I mean, I don't know, just like, take the freaking day off. You just hired this kid. Sounds like a plan. Honestly, this is great. I think you should befriend the children. Make them, you know, do your dirty work. Obviously reward them with candy. Send them home sugared up so that their parents are just, you know, bewildered. And, congratulations; you just got yourself some free time.

Okay, so this is amazing because what you actually have here is a phenomenal opportunity. I'm guessing that these kids are maybe about six to nine if they're being totally left alone with an iPad or whatever. Which means that you can fully, fully indoctrinate them into capitalism with forced child labor. And all you have to do is show them what you're doing. You know, befriend them, say, hey kid, you want to jump on my meeting, or whatever.Boom. Before you know it, this kid is running that meeting for you, doing that work for you. You're good to go. You don't even have to go to the meeting because this eight year old kid is doing your work for you. Who cares if it's clean? I mean, I don't know, just like, take the freaking day off. You just hired this kid. Sounds like a plan. Honestly, this is great. I think you should befriend the children. Make them, you know, do your dirty work. Obviously reward them with candy. Send them home sugared up so that their parents are just, you know, bewildered. And, congratulations; you just got yourself some free time.

“I have a remote corporate job, with a membership to a co-working space for when I need it.

I am now ready to go back to a regular office job because other members keep putting their kids in phone booths and conference rooms to watch YouTube and don’t care if anyone has the room reserved. I have to show up early just to make sure the room is empty and clean before a meeting.

The community manager says it’s not that big of a deal, but I don’t want to have to come get her every time this happens. I usually don’t even know whose kid it is. What would you do?”

Pissed but Polite

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