Neuroarchitecture and Parametric Design

Neuroarchitecture and Parametric Design

One of the many 3D renderings of this daring project, which was supposed to be on the Southside slopes of Pittsburgh

When life give you lemons, make limoncello. This is what we did with this project after the Clients decided to abandon the idea of building it in a great location on the Pittsburgh Southside slopes. We partnered with a CMU Graduate student, Alice Russell, and we continued it for the pleasure of designing something cool. We incorporated her knowledge of neuroscience, and we amplified that by using the software “Rhinoceros 3D” and then the plug-in “Grasshopper” to create multiple versions of the perforated pattern in the facade.

The brain seeks a balance between familiarity and novelty, between order and complexity. The design we ended up completing aims to create a dynamic, enriching experience by applying three interwoven neuroscientific principles: biophilia, or nature-informed design; sensory engagement; and cognitive stimulation.

You can read more about the project at this link

And reember: Never give up. Cheers!!!

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