greg victor is going to make us all look bad

greg victor is going to make us all look bad

If you don’t like Greg Victor, you just don’t like people. Greg is the very-well-read, very-well-traveled founder and CEO of the International Free Expression Project. He spent 22+ years as an editor at the Post-Gazette, 11+ years with Gannett / USA Today, and 10 years of jobs where he has actively worked to make the world better for people, including protecting their freedom of expression.

Nothing we can say about the IFEP would ever be as good as the “What We Do” explanation on their website. It goes like this:

IFEP works with with artists, activists, storytellers, innovators, teachers, organizations and people of all types and at all levels of society to encourage creative expression and amplify the message that, if you stand by when someone else is silenced, you too may be silenced one day. IFEP has launched four initiatives to spread the word.

Greg is going to bring some incredible stuff, from art and poetry to events and an amazing project called the Marketplace of Ideas. He's also working to build a signature work of public art with a remarkable Pittsburgh nonprofit that hardly anyone around here knows about, the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI).

site launch set for 4/10

site launch set for 4/10

theresa baughman joins club deluxe

theresa baughman joins club deluxe