Adding to our own Awesome cast: Enter the Sorgs

Adding to our own Awesome cast: Enter the Sorgs

Does it seem like we’re announcing a lot of contributors today? Good. We are.

Next up, welcome Mike and Missy Sorg to our corner of the Internet. Nobody plays better on the road.

These two have been producing content longer than anyone you know, producing popular shows like "AwesomeCast" and "Wrestling Mayhem Show" as well as a bunch of brand work for companies you know, under their Sorgatron Media and Sidekick Media Services brands. They're no strangers to the local art and innovation scenes, and will be sharing some fun stuff as we go.

It’s safe to assume that they’ll find some show guests and project collaborators while they’re here as well.

Check out this sample of AwesomeCast below…

Josh Corcoran is that dude

Josh Corcoran is that dude

Nick Comanici: constantly obsessing

Nick Comanici: constantly obsessing