our use of generative ai

our use of generative ai

In the name of transparency and trust, I thought it smart to make a quick post about our use of generative AI in the content creation process.

Use of GenAI for Featured Images

Generative AI is used to create some of the featured images on our website. These images are not attributed to anyone, so they will not be labeled with any notice that they were created by AI.

Use of GenAI for Written Content

Crusher Deluxe contributors who are concerned about their workload and timelines will be offered the choice to train a GenAI model to emulate their writing voice, and have the AI speed the process. After training, they will be able to submit the core points they need to convey, and let the AI turn it into complete sentences that are easier to read. These articles will be labeled with the disclaimer "Due to time constraints, this piece was written with the help of generative AI and approved by the contributor prior to publication.”

Sometimes, AI fails hard. Like this time, for example. The prompt was “A cartoon panel depicting two men on a city sidewalk passing by each other while walking humanoid robots on leashes” and it was supposed to be used as the featured image for this post. But seeing that this is only a couple of weeks after the Google Gemini “black popes” headlines, you can see that Bing Create has some other instructions running in the background, on top of user prompts.

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buzzy torek has entered the chat

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