Today's our launch

Today's our launch

Welcome to Crusher Deluxe. Today’s our big launch, and I thought it was probably best to start with an introduction.

I often wonder how many times a visionary project - maybe a musical act, maybe an inventor, maybe an artist - fizzles out when it could have been a major success. It's an all too common story in our area, these amazing projects that never find their audience in time, not due to lack of quality but lack of exposure.

That's why Crusher Deluxe exists. It’s a platform to showcase the most exciting art, music, technology and innovation happening right in our own backyard - letting you experience it directly, and letting you choose to support it - before anyone else has the chance to influence your opinion.

So, that’s the mission. We're bringing together the creators, inventors, artists and pioneers that you need to know about, and giving you an inside look at their work without any spin. Things that you didn't even realize you were missing in your life, but you’ll stumble upon them and realize you’ve found something you love, from just down the street.

There will definitely be some fun people features and whimsical distractions, too. I’m looking forward to where the Unhinged Advice column goes for sure. Now’s probably a good time to plug the Instagram account as well.

It would be criminal at this point not to thank some of the people that have gone above and beyond in helping me with today’s launch, so let me do so now: Theresa Baughman, Jeff Betten, Josh Corcoran, Jason Griess, Yaovi Kpoga, and Kit Mueller. My brother Christopher MacTaggart is one of those people too, but deserves a special mention for it because of the blood tie, and thanks also to my wife Rebecca didn’t write a single word, but she puts up with my ranting about the entire project, so that alone makes her a saint.

We’re just getting started, and will undoubtedly learn some lessons along the way. Stick with us though, and we’ll keep working at it. - SM

Scot MacTaggart
Crusher Deluxe

start the beat podcast: episode 478 w/ brian loughlin

start the beat podcast: episode 478 w/ brian loughlin

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A Vision of the Pittsburgh Music Industry, or “Why isn’t every town like Nashville?”