bored in pittsburgh - peace talks - bloody murder

bored in pittsburgh - peace talks - bloody murder

The punk quartet’s Will You Be Next? is a joint release from Cruel Noise and Chaos and Chill.

The three-track album (two mains and one bonus) was birthed from the same sessions that produced 2023’s Progress. That LP’s artwork portrayed a globe engulfed in flames–a now-constant reality both literally and metaphorically–so it follows that Will You Be Next? would be just as calamitous. “Bloody Murder” begins with wailing feedback, mimicking the signature tinnitus tone that follows explosive disaster, and launches into a hardcore punk frenzy of hairpin power chords and fast-twitch drums. Krystyna Haberman sets the tone by shouting, “I almost died in a shithole motel,” a chilling opening line embodied midway through the song by a banshee solo that penetrates like ice along veins. Things climax with the refrain, “Some kill for money / Some kill for sex / Some kill for power / Will you be next?”, which Haberman slows down for one final repetition, driving the words home like hammer blows before ceding the floor to another squall of feedback that lingers like a foreboding question mark.

Check out more from Peace Talks and follow on Instagram

Check out more local music at Bored In Pittsburgh and follow on Instagram

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