412 Day Events

412 Day Events

Tomorrow is “412 Day” and local cringe capitalism is in full swing. Do “yinz” want a photo-op in Mr. Rogers’s living room? What about a picture with every sports mascot in town? Or maybe Yinzer Trivia is more your thing? Come to 412 Fest at Bakery Square!

On the other hand, there are plenty of great events happening just because there are tons of creative, ambitious people in this city trying to have fun and make a buck along the way. I’ll be on South Craig tomorrow, where Rhythm and Threads will be happening from 12-6. A collab between Collab Arts, 1HOOD, and the Pittsburgh Innovation District (my day job), come out to see the real, organic creative scene in Pittsburgh. Celebrate the city’s future, not just its past!

submit your own work to crusher deluxe

submit your own work to crusher deluxe

Unhinged Advice: My fiance's outfit

Unhinged Advice: My fiance's outfit