let's try embedding instagram with cwp

let's try embedding instagram with cwp

I asked Dan from CommonWealth Press if he’d be interested in posting here sometimes — they do some really cool stuff over there — but CWP is pretty much always slammed and he didn’t want to commit to participating because of the time constraints he’s already got.

Dan and the CommonWealth Press gang are the perfect contributors for this kind of site though, so I asked if I could at least have permission to share some of their social content here. If it works, I might post some of their stuff from social and just drop Dan’s name in as the author.

Anyway, they just posted about an art installation they contributed to, and now I’m going to use that post as an experiment in embedding an post from Instagram. Here goes. Whatever it ends up looking like below this paragraph, I’m leaving it up.

Edit: It actually seems to look OK, but I had to click the image to play the video. Thanks for letting us use your stuff, Dan. I hope everybody buys from compressmerch.com when they need shirts or gifts.

"something out of nothing" - new single from josh jams

"something out of nothing" - new single from josh jams

site launch set for 4/10

site launch set for 4/10