Jaw Dropping: Land Art Generator Initiative, based in Pittsburgh

Jaw Dropping: Land Art Generator Initiative, based in Pittsburgh

Light Up — 1st place winner LAGI 2018 Melbourne

You really should know about LAGI.

This is my first post on Crusher Deluxe, so first things first:

1. I LOVE the Crusher Deluxe “unhinged advice” column. I have been looking for a source of reliable guidance for my life, which has been significantly unhinged, and now I have found it.

And second things second: 

2. I run a nonprofit called the International Free Expression Project (IFEP). We are awesome! So please check out our website.

But, I must admit, even awesomer is the Pittsburgh-based Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI), whose founders wander the world organizing international competitions to design works of public art that generate renewable energy. Hardly anybody in Pittsburgh seems to know about them.

LAGI’s Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry have held design competitions for places such as Copenhagen, Melbourne, New York, Abu Dhabi, Mannheim and the Burning Man Project Fly Ranch in Nevada. Teams from some 80 countries now submit designs for their competitions.

“Arch of Time”

Construction on THIS magnificent project — Arco del Tiempo”, or “Arch of Time — will begin this year in Houston. We at IFEP are working with Elizabeth and Robert to bring something like “Arch of Time” to Pittsburgh. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, please consider sending LAGI a donation: I LOVE LAGI

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